PRP For Face & Body

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a non-surgical procedure with roots in regenerative medicine, was initially developed to accelerate the healing of sports-related injuries, focusing on damaged tissues, muscles, and joints. In recent years, the applications of PRP have expanded into the cosmetic industry, specifically for skin rejuvenation and hair restoration.

PRP for face harnesses the regenerative potential of growth factors derived from your own blood platelets. This approach stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, leading to a revitalization of skin quality and the cultivation of a more youthful appearance.

PRP Face
PRP Face

What Does It Treat?

PRP treatments offer versatile applications, whether targeted for facial or bodily skin rejuvenation. These treatments can be seamlessly integrated with microneedling procedures (known as a ‘Vampire Facial’) or administered independently to achieve optimal results.

PRF Toronto
PRF Toronto

It's important to note that the effectiveness of PRP treatments can vary from person to person, and consultation with a qualified medical professional is recommended to determine the suitability of PRP for individual needs.

What To Expect During A Treatment

Undergoing a Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) procedure for facial rejuvenation, whether as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with microneedling, involves a meticulous and revitalizing process. As you embark on this journey, the initial phase typically entails a comprehensive consultation with a skilled practitioner. This consultation serves to assess your unique skin concerns, establish treatment goals, and determine the most suitable approach tailored to your individual needs.

In the case of a standalone PRP for face treatment, the procedure begins with the extraction of a small amount of your blood. This blood sample is then processed using a centrifuge, separating the platelet-rich plasma from other components. Once the concentrated PRP is prepared, it is carefully applied to the target areas of your face. The growth factors within the PRP stimulate collagen and elastin production, initiating a natural regenerative process. The result is a boost in skin quality, improved texture, and a rejuvenated appearance.

Alternatively, when combining PRP for face with microneedling, the synergistic effects of the two treatments elevate the overall outcome. Microneedling involves the use of tiny, sterile needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface, promoting collagen synthesis. The PRP is then applied topically or injected into the microchannels created by the microneedles. This dual approach intensifies the stimulation of collagen and elastin, further enhancing skin texture and addressing concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone.

Throughout the procedure, the sensation is typically well-tolerated, and any discomfort is mitigated through the application of a topical anesthetic. The duration of the session varies depending on the specific technique employed, but patients can generally expect a relatively efficient and minimally invasive experience. Following the treatment, there might be mild redness and swelling, which are transient and subside over a short period.

As the days unfold post-treatment, the transformative effects gradually become apparent. Patients often notice a radiant and refreshed complexion, with improvements continuing to evolve in the ensuing weeks. Consistency in following post-treatment care instructions and any recommended follow-up sessions contributes to optimizing and prolonging the results of this rejuvenating journey.

Frequently asked questions

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

This will vary amount individual. This is dependent on individual treatment goals, amount of scarring and your skin type. When starting, it is recommended for 3 treatments spaced 4 – 6 weeks apart. However, for scarring, you may require up to 4 – 6+ treatments. Maintenance session every 6 – 12 months dependent on skin type.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

The results of your treatment are dependent on the area being treated and vary among individual. You may be able to see a noticeable improvement few days following your first treatment. However, complete results can take a few weeks. Many people experience improvement in skin texture and appearance for up to a year or more.

Are There Any Side Effects?

You may experience mild discomfort, redness, peeling, flaking and rare bruising in the area of treatment.

You make experience a swelling or “sunburn like” effect from PRP for 3 – 5 days following your treatment.

If you had micro needling with PRP, you will need to avoid applying certain skin care products on the skin for 3 days following treatment (such as retin A/retinols, acids,etc).

What Are The PRP Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Instructions?

Detailed Instructions can be found HERE.

What Is the Cost?

Please take a look at our Pricing Page for more information.